Last night when I was closing up the house and turning off the lights, I saw lights in the alfalfa field. Those crazy farmers (thank God for them though), were out there at 10pm cutting the fields and rowing them.
Since I new I'd have trucks running in and out this morning, I thought I'd better keep the ride short-so much dust and groaning suspensions.
We worked at the walk for 30 min, and got a great deal accomplished before they started and I took these photos.
We worked on shortening and lengthening the stride, leg yields from the long side to quarter line and centerline to quarterline with turns on the forehand and haunches in between. Harry was really marching along, even when we started our shoulder in work, so that was a big breakthrough. We ended with our most excellent halt, and he got his Red Bird Puffy mint from me before I dismounted.
Hopefully tomorrow we can get in a ride before the rain.
Harry in the pasture with his bird friend.
Trucks, trucks, trucks, Harry has never been very worried about them, as evidenced here by his attitude: "Don't bother me, I'm eating....."
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