Tuesday 3rd-day off All the horses in am because of snow and rain. Main door off the barn. BL refused help to get it on the track so the horses in that barn were wet, as was all the hay she stores there. Turned Harry out at noon because it got nice and sunny but cold.
Wednesday 4th-5.5 hours. Stalls a mess. Half of them had to be completely stripped and restocked because they were not cleaned properly. Harry's legs were very stocked up. His soles and hooves were cool, but he was really filled up around the ankles, very frightening. He wasn't lame, or off, but I made some compress up and covered his legs. In about 2 hours, it showed wet on the inside of the right front and right hind, and wet on the outside left front and left hind. He obviously stressed himself, running, and because his shoes are probably not as balanced as he is used to, and then stayed in yesterday morning, this was the result. There was a minimum amount of heat right at the ankles insides on the right, outsides on the left. After finishing up the stalls and work and giving more hay, I hosed him for 20 minutes and turned him back out. By 2:30 when I checked on him, there was NO swelling, and NO heat. Chris called me and our appointment is set for Friday at 3pm at Windsor Farm in Gordonsville to get his back feet reset and Mikes front shoes put back on.
Thursday 5th 6 hours. Cold and windy but Harry's legs better than yesterday. Ten rescued horses brought in to upper barn, now in quarantine.
Friday 6th 4 hours. Hooked up trailer and left for Gordonsville. Went by old places I used to know and arrived around 1:30pm. Chris Beaulieu reset all of Harrys shoes using Mikes shoes, and immediately he felt better. Very quiet and very good. Chris is very meticulous, and noticed right away that too much had been removed from the outside of Harry's front feet. He also works efficiently and has a very calming influence on the horses. I cannot stress enough about the importance of the correct attitude when working around horses. Now Harry is almost 100% balanced, and we're ready to start working again. Back home by 5pm despite horrible traffic around Richmond, but easy trip. Cleaned trailer and unhooked. Plans coming together for FL.

Harry and Chris Beaulieu after getting his shoes reset, and view of front and hind.
Saturday 7th - 6 hours. Finished stalls I did not get to yesterday. Horses all out last night. Gorgeous day today with temperatures in the high 60's. Pulled Harrys mane and got my clippers ready for tomorrow. Will add photos of his new shoes and his before and after clip job tomorrow.
Sunday 8th - 4 hours. After switching horses from one paddock/field to others, I fed everyone but the two left in, Harry and his old pal. Gave everyone enough hay to last until noon, then finished stalls, and made a little outside stall in the inside of the 'U' shaped barn Harry is in. My blades were not as sharp as I would have liked, so there are some lines, but by the time we are ready to leave for FL., the lines will be gone. I had a bag of hay for him inside his little 'stall', and he just stood there eating his hay while I clipped him. He is such a good horse, so quiet, despite the fact that he only gets clipped once a year. Here is a photo of him after his clip.
Harry with Delaney before our ride.

I rode him around the ring inside and out for almost 45 min, with the young horse and he was just great! The only thing that bothered them both was one of the chairs left inside the ring blew over and then around and over the rail. They both just jumped straight up off all fours and landed in the same place, and that was it. Nothing spectacular.
Monday 9th-5 hours. Since all the horses were out at night, it was just a matter of switching all of them around into other fields, feeding them, giving them hay, removing blankets. The young painted mare was a bit skeptical, but I think I've finally gained her respect. BL did remove the leg straps. Leg straps on the filly and a 3 yr. old sometimes are more bother than they are worth, and can scare them even when you are very careful unhooking them. The paint has a very long coat, and has been without a blanket since she was rescued, and now has one that is very large and has spooked her. I washed all the Morgans blankets and repaired them. I cleaned two large paddocks that took almost 2 hours they were so bad. All this switching day and night from one paddock to another is baffling. I just get the paddocks clean and they are doubled in the morning if the mare and filly are in the old horses paddock. I worked on parting things for BL, my friend Cathy and the little girl who loves the Painted Pony.
I've given notice that I am leaving for Florida on the 16th. It is a matter of financial urgency, and mental health. Of course, the mental health issue, or my colossal drop in weight was not mentioned, but I cannot keep up this grind. BL understood, saying I was welcome to come back any time. It's best NEVER to burn bridges. Swallow hard, bite your tongue, be the better person and be gracious.
Tuesday 10th-day off. Found a small buffer/grinder at Harbour Freight, my favorite store and another mini-torch to work on my jewelry. Found a great small rolling mill, but it was too much. Have to save money for the fuel to Florida on Monday. Gave everyone but Delany their gifts. BL still has no idea what the initials LG LY on the necklace mean. Rode Harry, and felt like he was ready to launch me to FL! Feeling very good.

Copper Pendant with Sterling Bail and Heart