After waiting for 10 days to leave, we finally left on the 11th of January. It was a fairly smooth ride, despite the roads, and when we crossed the mts. in PA, and started down on the flats of Rt. 15 with the Susquehanna River to our East, I knew we would be fine.
I won't bore you with the details of the Winter, just suffice it to say that I learned some new things..........
1. Find as much as you can about the person(s) you will be working for. You can never investigate too much. Take nothing at first interview. Actions speak louder than words.
2. Make sure the barn where you are keeping your horse has warm water, and a toilet available. Having to drive 7 miles to find a toilet and having to buy something to use it is NOT an OPTION.
3. Make sure that where you are staying is NO MORE than 15 miles, at the most.
4. Make sure the footing is safe and the fences are sturdy for the horse.
5. Make sure that your pet (my dog Tutti) does not have to stay:
a. in a pen all day
b. tied up all day
c. sitting in a car all day
OK, now that's out of the way, I can tell you that by the fourth month of
a. putting more than 100 miles a day on my truck and working 60+ hours a week
b. sleeping on the floor
c. not being able to just ride out in good footing, being able to relax, and even teaching some great people, and being able to actually use your jewelry tools and equipment, and your sewing machine to repair blankets.
I was able to find a great barn right across the street from where I was staying for my horse that was safe, clean and happy. I was able to spend the last month in a place where I could sleep on a futon, cook my meals instead of having to buy breakfast sandwiches and tomato sandwiches for supper from the local gas station.
Fast forward through to May 2010.............
I was able to take two fabulous lessons from Lani Tigchlaar, clear up Harry's balance issues, his legs and feet, and have a great start when we got home.