Thursday 12th-5 hours. This morning when I arrived at the barn there were blankets everywhere, buckets all over, couldn't find any of the halters and feed buckets were strewn as well. I got all of the horses fed, there were no supplements for the old horse, and he had not been eating his food at all. When I mentioned this, BL said it was the medicine for his lungs and she'd have to dose him instead. When I asked how long he had to have it, she said she didn't know, but guessed she'd give it to him for another week....... I finished half my work, and since the forecast was calling for 60mph wind gusts, I took that opportunity to get a ride in on Harry. He was really great, listening to me, despite the stuff flying up in front of us every time we turned around. We worked for 40 minutes, and then went in. After that I finished up the rest of the work, gave more hay, and waited for the Vet to arrive to check out Harry and fill out his Health Certificate for our trip. She was really impressed at the fact that he ate no grain, but some beet pulp (2 cups) and herbs and Bragg's Vinegar and Molasses. She had gone to Cornell, and then transferred to NC State, and believed in preventive maintenance and her clients learning about nutrition and horse management. She was really knowledgeable and easy to talk to. Dover Equine Veterinary in Warsaw, VA. is her practice and her name is Michal (Cally) Benoit Cuthbertson, DVM. She is a treasure.
Friday 13th - last day of work. Packed up and ready to go, I was really looking forward to leaving on a variety of levels.
Saturday 14th - I got to ride Harry around and packed some more.
Sunday 15th - Ride Harry and finished packing everything.

Monday 16th - TRAVEL DAY!!! Whoohoo! I left at 8:30am and arrived at Amy Hazards barn at 12:30. I got Harry settled in, Amy turned him out around 3:30 until I came back to feed him at 5:00. He was very good, and settled right in. Ejay and I went to a great Chinese restaurant.
Tuesday 17th - left early for Hilton Head Island, SC. Got there at noon, and turned Harry out in a great little round pen so he could stretch. I unhooked the trailer and left it there to go Shane's retail store. I went back to the North end and unloaded Tutti's pen and Harry's feed and Lolly and Bitty were there. Lolly made the most amazing meal. She cooks like her Mom - Miss B. who taught me how to cook the best rice, and greens. It was a great evening. and we had 'show and tell' with my jewelry. T, Lolly's daughter teaches Biology and Physics in High School, and had some wonderful ideas about marketing tools for my jewelry. Bitty bought one of my cuffs, and it looked great on her.

Bridge from Mainland to Hilton Head Island, Harry standing in his round pen at Moss Creek.