After a somewhat hectic day on my day off and sleeping for 13 hours straight, I was up and at it at 6:50am at the barn. Direct TV was coming to install the dish between 8-1 and I had to be there for it. After many false starts with the installer, and the boss refusing to take any responsibility for setting anything up, she said she had no patience - hmmm, no surprise here. When cleaning up the manure in the paddocks, I noticed that the ornamental hedges and plants around the judges stand and main arena were growing into the paddocks surrounding them. They were poisonous plants, yews, azaleas, other things that probably should not be ingested by horses. I was cutting them with my metal shears. Boss lady said she didn't care if any of the horses ate them, and if they got sick oh well, they got sick! I finished up clearing out the debris.
The installer arrived, and when bosslady found out the installation charge would be $100 she suddenly decided that she didn't want the service. The boxes had already arrived, the account had already been set up, and now she didn't want any part of it. She had given me a check to buy myself something for Christmas, it was $100. That paid for the installation. It was not just for the basement and my TV which I brought from home, it was for their three that were upstairs. At that point I also turned over my new Stihl weedwacker as promised to bosslady for the 4 months of the air card for my laptop. Oh the lessons we learn.
Christmas Day, I fed and turned out the farm, cleaned stalls, then was going to church because I missed Christmas Eve service, but was asked to make dinner. BossLady doesn't clean, doesn't cook, hubby does, and he didn't want to cook. I fixed the turkey for her, made Hunting Loaf (a mix of oat flakes, onions, English Cheddar cheese Walnuts, and Marmite), and Yorkshire Pudding and all the steamed veggies and baked sweet potatoes. Thank goodness I was not expected to make dessert...........Never got to Church.
December 26th, the three Morgans got out of their pasture. I was blamed until someone else fessed up. there was a roll of wire fencing unrolled in one of the pastures, halters and lead ropes thrown everywhere, unsecured electric wire into a field where two horses were, and right about nose height, feed door not latched, no cat food, all stalls have 2 day old water.
December 27th, no supplements or feed for Dandy, fence left on with horses in at night. I longed Harry for 30 min. December 29th longed 30 min. Dec. 30th 30 mn. longe and fixed paddock. Hours for week two are now up to 67.
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