Tues off-Made bracelet for one of the boarders. Her 46th birthday. Chose colors of her horse. She loved it and it fit! My first opportunity since here to make anything.
Wed 14th - 4 hours. 3 stalls hay feed frozen water hoses spigots, took ind. buckets to all horses with mixed water. Sky was roiling and red at evening. bad clouds, very stormy in sky.
Thurs. 15th - Intense headache made it through 4 hours of work, but sometimes having to sit, dizzy, pain in head and eyes, slept from 11:30 6to 4:00 then 8pm to 5am
Fri. 16th - 5.5 hours feel great frozen cleaned buckets and tubs and emptied ice. still no feed for boarders horses at upper barn.
Sat. 17th - 5.5 hours, no feed for boarders horses, frozen buckets because they were not emptied at night with horses in. ind. waters to lower barn, 4 degrees, brought Harry in at 2 to go get hay up state. BL feeds another feed instead.
Sun. 18th - 5 hours, water to lower ind. buckets, upper barn frozen buckets again. BL terrorizes 8 mo. old filly with checkered blanket by throwing it and cackling at her because she's attacking it, slamming with her front feet. screaming and kneeling on it and ripping it. all horses get upset and start running around in fear. 32 degrees windy. Horses in at night.
Mon. 19th - 4 hours. Gave lesson to boarder. Given no notice for lesson. Lesson went well. BL and mother of student couldn't understand why student was not 'jumping'. Student's abilities limited to walk/trot. Came to lesson with Chambon and Grackle noseband. Yanks hands to stop. Has no idea about balance or using body and seat to ride. Only rides off hands. Horse inverted and stiff. At end of lesson horse was soft and through. Frozen buckets and water lines. Have to take water from bathroom to all paddocks and fields, BL takes large open tub and fills with house water and leaks it all over, rages over weather and wants everyone to leave again.
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